˗ˏˋ Closed & Paid ˎˊ˗

Which One Are You?

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How to create a killer sales script/framework to close any client on any offer


© 2024
Closed and Paid

˗ˏˋ As a Sales Rep ˎˊ˗

Which One Do You Prefer?


© 2024
Closed and Paid

˗ˏˋ As a Business Owner ˎˊ˗

Which Best Describes You?


© 2024
Closed and Paid

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Check your inbox for a confirmation email. If you don't see it, check your spam folder. Click the link in the email to confirm your address and stay updated.

˗ˏˋ Ok, so you want to ˎˊ˗

Learn the Sales Process That Collected Us Over $7 Million in CASH in Under 1 Year by Pushing for the “No”

And Doing the Opposite of What You Are Conventionally Taught

So Why Join?

Video Lesson Library

50+ Video Lessons

The 'Closed & Paid Master Sheet"

  • 50+ Video lessons diving into the nuance of the sales process used to scale multiple offers past 7 figures

Written Course

22 Lessons + Bonus Materials

180 + - Page Written Course Covering the Entire Sales Proccess

  1. The Mindset No One Teaches

  2. Pre Call Flows

  3. Appointment Setting

  4. Intro & Perception

  5. Getting Trust and Respect

  6. Call Structure

  7. Pre- Handle Business Partners & Other Agencies Objections

  8. The "YES or NO"

  9. Nuance Behind The "No"

  10. Challenging the Prospect

  11. Creating REAL Urgency

  12. Goals

  13. Bring up the Problems

  14. Pre Handling Objections

  15. Motivation to Change

  16. Ask them for Direction

  17. Pitching a NEW Offer

  18. From Pitch to Close

  19. Providing Solutions > "Handling Objections"

  20. Down-Selling

  21. No FREE contracts

  22. Follow Up

Bonus Materials:

  • The Closed & Paid '3 pointer method' - making your sales scripts sound like calculated, well thought out questions.

  • The Closed & Paid Bridge Concept - How to use solutions to get decisions on calls instead of "handling objections"

  • Getting Good Offers - How to Land Your Dream Offer

Networking Community

100+ Sales Reps and Offer Owners

  • All abilities and experience levels

  • Setters wanting to be closers

  • Closers wanting to level up

  • Offer owners wanting a 'modernised no nonsense' approach

Live Q&A Coaching Calls

Once a week!

Once a week Richard, Ryan and Bogdan jump on Live QnA calls so that you can have your questions answered in detail

  • 1 hour of FREE sauce

  • We cover topics and chapters from the course

  • We dive into your offers and fix your proccess

  • Recorded and put into the mastersheet

Job Placements

Setter + Closer Positions

We hope this isn't the only reason for joining our group...but yes, we post exclusive job applications monthly from our circle

  • Be the first to know

  • Get advice on how to apply to stand out

  • Setter + Closer Postions Frequently

  • $6k - $25k OTE

Call Reviews

100+ Recorded Call Reviews & Video Lessons

  • 30+ student's call reviews

  • 20+ Reviews of Rich breaking down calls as the Director of Sales for an 8 Figure Agency

Case Studies

Collecting over $7MM Using our Framework

See how the Closed & Paid methods work in the real world. We have applied our systems to many offers across the board

  • Here's how I went from an appointment setter to the #1 closer on my offer in <6 months following the Closed & Paid methods - Collecting +$1MM in cash + closing a $240k deal PAID IN FULL, without sounding salesy, handling BS objections or resorting to tedious drawn out follow ups


  • Here's how I took a brand new offer from ZERO to $250,000 cash collected in 2 and a half months using the closed & paid model


˗ˏˋ Stories ˎˊ˗

Hear It From the Closers Hitting Record Months With This Sales Process

► 0:51

David - "the advice was invaluable to scaling one of the offers that we run"

► 1:20

Sven - "the call reviews are super super helpful to me"

► 0:34

Boris - "the closed and paid community is such a bargain"

► 0:59

Rich - "It helped me book my first call, it was exhilerating"

► 0:43

Brandon - "within one week i have learned more from rich and ryan than i have learned spending 1000s on sales courses over the last few years"

► 0:40

Alberto - "the speed in which i improved was so ridiculous"

► 0:41

Max - "when i came onboard i had my mind set on how sales was done, but that was flipped on its head"

► 0:33

Chris - "he's been fundemental in my success in my journey from setter to closer"

► 1:10

James - "if youre an experienced closer already, you need to be in here"

► 2:24

Alex - "these guys have helped me out tremendously, just being able to access their calls and how they do things"

► 1:47

Marc - "the most significant improvement ive had to my game is when i started working with Richard"

► 0:44

Jed - "everything i have been taught up until this point seems useless"

► 0:27

Benji - "i got my first gig thanks to ryan and rich, it took me 3 days to get my first ever closing gig"

► 3:44

David - "i was closing around 30% before, and now i'm at 70-80%"

► 2:56

Tarun - "Not many that come close to this level of insight"

► 2:16

Isaiah - "These guys are on a completely different level. Super strong vouch for Rich"

˗ˏˋ More Stories ˎˊ˗

Wait, There's More...

See What Students Have To Say Inside the Group

˗ˏˋ QnAs ˎˊ˗

Questions You Might Have

If you have any other questions — please get in touch.

What sets your sales training course apart from others?

Forget copywriting for one second.I am going to talk straight to you, the reader.This group is not your bog standard "here's how to become a cLosSerrr" like the rest.So don't join for that.Join because you actually give a shit about improving your craft.Join because you want to be #1 closer on your offer.That's what this course is for.To help closers become certified killers.I literally put this together because no one else is teaching a lot of this shit.No one else is putting out original content in video form.Be prepared to drop everything you thought was 'right' And be prepared to finally understand there is a better way.A way that makes you realize the last few years were a waste.No more emotional NEPQ selling to wealthy CEOs who think you're a fucking dork.

Do you offer any other services like mentoring?

  • 100% we have a few offers inside the group that enable you to work with Rich, Ryan + Bogdan in a more dedicated fashion.

  • We have the Level Up offer where we work directly with you to build this sales process into your current offer.

  • You can also pay for one off consulting calls


˗ˏˋ Instructors ˎˊ˗

Meet Your Coaches

For the Latest and Unique Insights From Our Team, Make Sure To Follow Us on X.

Coach, aka Closed & Paid

Rich Lovatt

  • Sales Director for an 8 Figure Agency.

  • Consultant to 3 x 7fig Offers.

  • Closed 10mil+ in Cash Collected.

  • Expert in Closing High 5 + 6 Fig Deals.

  • Professional Actor.

Coach, Ryan Durkin

Ryan Durkin

  • $2.5M Closed in Corporate B2B Sales

  • Experience Closing in Nearly All “High-Ticket Sales” Niches

  • Closed $1M+ Using This Framework

  • Built This Framework Into 10+ Sales Processes

˗ˏˋ Work With Us 1-1 ˎˊ˗

To Implement the Sales Process That Collected Us Over $7 Million in CASH in Under 1 Year by Pushing for the “No”

And Doing the Opposite of What You Are Conventionally Taught

Level Up - Why Work With Us?


˗ˏˋ How This Works ˎˊ˗

How the Training Actually Works

More cash collected, guaranteed.

  • Onboarding call to discuss offer

  • Audit of your current sales process, magnifying pre call, in call, and post call processes

  • Strategy implementation

  • We deliver you all, or some of;

  • Setter script

  • Pre Call PDF

  • Sales Call Script

  • Post Call Bridge Ideas

  • Implementation of ideas

  • Low hanging fruit first to give us fast results

  • Moving to more nuanced details to take your closing to an elite level

  • Continual iteration to automate

˗ˏˋ Benefits ˎˊ˗

Plus, You're Also Getting Access To:

Call Reviews

4 Per Month.

1-1 Coaching Calls

2 Per Month.


Custom to your offer.

Group Chat

24/7 Access.

Sales Assets

Pre-sell & Pre-Frame Prospects.

'Closed & Paid' Group

$1,499 Value.

˗ˏˋ Stories ˎˊ˗

Hear It From the Closers Hitting Record Months With This Sales Process

See How the Closed & Paid Methods Work in the Real World

► 14:04

How we helped scale Daavi's offer from 60k/m, to 100k/wk in 90 days.

► 6:22

How we helped Brandon double his close rate in only 1 month.

► 18:23

How we helped Bruno in a developing country go from $5k/m to $17k/m in 90 days.

► 18:20

How we helped Ephraim hit a record $13k+ in a month by 'pushing for the no' & maintaining frame.

► 15:31

How We Built a Sales Process for John To Close $130,000 in Revenue in His 1st Month With a New Offer

˗ˏˋ More Stories ˎˊ˗

Wait, There's More...

See What Students Have To Say Inside the Group

˗ˏˋ QnAs ˎˊ˗

Questions You Might Have

If you have any other questions — please get in touch.

Is There a Guarantee?

If you don't make the investment back, in addition to your average monthly income in 6 months - we will pay you it all back. Simple

Why Is This Different?

Forget copywriting for one second.I am going to talk straight to you, the reader.This service is not your bog standard "here's how to become a cLosSerrr" like the rest.So don't join for that.Join because you actually give a shit about improving your craft.Join because you want to be #1 closer on your offer.That's what this is about.To help closers become certified killers.Be prepared to drop everything you thought was 'right' And be prepared to finally understand there is a better way.A way that makes you realize the last few years were a waste.No more emotional NEPQ selling to wealthy CEOs who think you're a fucking dork.

Will I Still Have Access to the Course?

Yes, you will also have annual access to the The Closed & Paid Group ($1,499 value)
- 180+ Page Written Course
- 50+ Video Lessons
- 30+ Call Reviews using this Framework
- 1 Group Q/A Call

Who Is This For?

  • If you're on an offer where you know you'll be staying for 6 months +

  • If you're on an offer with a solid lead flow of 2-6 calls per day.

  • If you're a closer with autonomy on your offer

  • Offer owners who run their full sales cycle

Who Is This Not For?

  • Setters / SDRs

  • DM Closers

  • Closers with no autonomy at all

  • If you're thinking of leaving your offer soon

  • If you're not sure, pls DM us.

What Results Can I Expect?

  • Increased Close % (10-40%)

  • More Cash Collected

  • Increased Authority & Frame Dominance

  • Ability to Handle Type A Personalities

  • A Framework To Close Any Lead, Regardless of Their Objection


˗ˏˋ Instructor ˎˊ˗

Meet Your Coaches

For the Latest and Unique Insights From Our Team, Make Sure To Follow Us on X.

Coach, aka Closed & Paid

Rich Lovatt

  • Sales Director for an 8 Figure Agency.

  • Consultant to 3 x 7fig Offers.

  • Closed 10mil+ in Cash Collected.

  • Expert in Closing High 5 + 6 Fig Deals.

  • Professional Actor.

Coach, Ryan Durkin

Ryan Durkin

  • $2.5M Closed in Corporate B2B Sales

  • Experience Closing in Nearly All “High-Ticket Sales” Niches

  • Closed $1M+ Using This Framework

  • Built This Framework Into 10+ Sales Processes

˗ˏˋ Ok, so you want to ˎˊ˗

Learn The Sales System We Used To Scale 3 Offers From 0 to $4.7 Million Collected in 120 Days

By Doing the Opposite of What You Are Conventionally Taught

Business Course

29+ Lessons

Not only do you get the complete sales training course BUT the business owner's course includes;

  • Influencing prospect with your offer

  • Understanding proof, guarantee and price

  • Implementing 'Options' that take your cash collected to a whole new level

  • Perception, personal stature, and experience

  • How talktime effects your sales

  • The importance of disagreeing

  • Pricing, bringing it up sooner or later

  • Social dynamics

  • Pre call assets

  • Appointment setting

  • And much more

Case Studies

Diving into the nuance of the sales process used to scale multiple offers past 7 figures

  • Here's how I went from an appointment setter to the #1 closer on my offer in <6 months following the Closed & Paid methods - Collecting +$1MM in cash + closing a $240k deal PAID IN FULL, without sounding salesy, handling BS objections or resorting to tedious drawn out follow ups


  • Here's how I took a brand new offer from ZERO to $250,000 cash collected in 2 and a half months using the closed & paid model


˗ˏˋ Stories ˎˊ˗

Wait, There's More...

See What Students Have To Say Inside the Group

˗ˏˋ QnAs ˎˊ˗

Questions You Might Have

If you have any other questions — please get in touch.

What sets your sales training course apart from others?

Forget copywriting for one second.I am going to talk straight to you, the reader.This group is not your bog standard "here's how to make a bit more money" like the rest.So don't join for that.Join because you actually give a shit about improving your business.Join because you want to scale your business to the next level alongside 3 coaches who have your back.That's what this course is for.To help business owners become certified killers.Be prepared to drop everything you thought was 'right' And be prepared to finally understand there is a better more simplistic application.A way that makes you realize everything else was overcomplicated.

Do you offer mentoring or 1-1 coaching?

100% we have a few offers inside the group that enable you to work with Rich, Ryan and Bogdan in a more dedicated fashionIf you are over 30k+/m, we have the Transform offer where we work directly with you to build this sales process into your own businessOr, if you are taking the sales calls yourself, you can join the "Closed & Paid Group" for sales repsYou can also pay for one off consulting calls

⚪ USA TODAY Gave Us a Mention!

˗ˏˋ Instructor ˎˊ˗

Meet Your Coaches

For the Latest and Unique Insights From Our Team, Make Sure To Follow Us on X.

Coach, aka Closed & Paid

Rich Lovatt

  • Sales Director for an 8 Figure Agency.

  • Consultant to 3 x 7fig Offers.

  • Closed 10mil+ in Cash Collected.

  • Expert in Closing High 5 + 6 Fig Deals.

  • Professional Actor.

Coach, Ryan Durkin

Ryan Durkin

  • $2.5M Closed in Corporate B2B Sales

  • Experience Closing in Nearly All “High-Ticket Sales” Niches

  • Closed $1M+ Using This Framework

  • Built This Framework Into 10+ Sales Processes

˗ˏˋ Work With Us 1-1 ˎˊ˗

Implement The Sales System We Used To Scale 3 Offers From 0 to $4.7 Million Collected in 120 Days

By Doing the Opposite of What You Are Conventionally Taught

Transform - Why Work With Us?

⚪ USA TODAY Gave Us a Mention!

Trusted By....

˗ˏˋ How This Works ˎˊ˗

How the Training Actually Works

We Will Work Alongside You To Implement the Closed & Paid Sales Process Into Your Current Business

Deep Dive Audit

  1. Your Offer (positioning, proof, guarantee, price, traffic)

  2. Your Tech / Software (does it allow for huge scale)

  3. Your Sales Process (the funnel from a prospect's POV)

  4. Your Staff (current team members)

  5. Your KPIs (what are current targets)

The Proposal

  1. Do It Yourself (The propsoal, given to you with complete instructions on how to implement everything yourself)

  2. Done With You (We will work with you to implement the proposal, making it seemless)

  3. Done For You (We will come into your business and do it all for you)

Results Guaranteed

  1. Guarantee (each proposal has a customised guarantee)

  2. Projections (we clearly project what the next 3-12 months will look like)

  3. Network (use our network of specialists for life)

˗ˏˋ Benefits ˎˊ˗

Plus, You're Also Getting Access To:

Call Reviews

4 Per Month.

1-1 Coaching Calls

2 Per Month.


Custom to your offer.

Group Chat

24/7 Access.

Sales Assets

Pre-sell & Pre-Frame Prospects.

'Closed & Paid' Group

$1,499 Value.

˗ˏˋ Stories ˎˊ˗

Real Stories: After Implementing Closed & Paid Sales Process

˗ˏˋ QnAs ˎˊ˗

Questions You Might Have

If you have any other questions — please get in touch.

What Sets You Apart From Others?

Our method revolves around the core belief that the market has evolved, and conventional sales tactics no longer apply in today's online “high ticket sales' space.The way we see it, is sales is generally taught from 1 of 2 perspectives.1. Begging and convincing people to buy2. Pretending you are not selling at all.So what we have done, is take the conventional selling approach and flipped it on its head.All of our results and case studies are within the last 2 years, so we know it works in the CURRENT market.

Is There a Guarantee?

If you don't make the investment back, in addition to your average monthly income, in 6 months - we will pay you it all back.


˗ˏˋ Instructors ˎˊ˗

Meet Your Coaches

For the Latest and Unique Insights From Our Team, Make Sure To Follow Us on X.

Coach, aka Closed & Paid

Rich Lovatt

  • Sales Director for an 8 Figure Agency.

  • Consultant to 3 x 7fig Offers.

  • Closed 10mil+ in Cash Collected.

  • Expert in Closing High 5 + 6 Fig Deals.

  • Professional Actor.

Coach, Ryan Durkin

Ryan Durkin

  • $2.5M Closed in Corporate B2B Sales

  • Experience Closing in Nearly All “High-Ticket Sales” Niches

  • Closed $1M+ Using This Framework

  • Built This Framework Into 10+ Sales Processes

˗ˏˋ Closed & Paid ˎˊ˗

Fulfillment Policy

Welcome to Closed & Paid

At ClosedAndPaid.com, we are committed to providing our customers with immediate access to high-quality digital products. This fulfillment policy outlines how we handle digital deliveries, as well as our refund and cancellation policies.

Delivery of Digital Products

Access to Digital Products: Upon purchase, customers will receive an email confirmation containing a unique link to download or access their digital product. Please ensure your email address is entered correctly at checkout.Delivery Time: Digital products are available for access immediately after the payment is processed. Please check your email (including the spam/junk folder) for the download or access instructions.Technical Issues: If you encounter any problems accessing or downloading your purchase, please contact our support team at [email protected] for assistance.

Refunds and Cancellations

Refund Policy: Due to the nature of digital products, refunds are generally not offered once a product has been downloaded or accessed. However, we understand that exceptional circumstances may occur. As such, refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Possible reasons for a refund include duplicate orders or technical issues that prevent access to the product.Cancellation Policy: Orders for digital products may be cancelled for a full refund provided the request is made before the product has been accessed or downloaded. Once access to the product has been granted, the sale is considered final.Quality Guarantee: We stand behind the quality of our digital products. If you find any defect or issue with the content, please contact us within 7 days of purchase for a resolution, which may include a replacement or a refund.

Contact Us

For any inquiries regarding our digital products, or if you need support with your order, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. Our dedicated customer service team is here to ensure that your experience with ClosedAndPaid.com meets your highest expectations.