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© Closed and Paid, 2024

˗ˏˋ As a Sales Rep ˎˊ˗

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Learn How You Can Land a New 6-Figure Remote Sales Role in Under 45 Days and use the A-Z Sales Process That Collected $7M in the Last 2 Years.

Without Relying on Outdated Sales Tactics, Emotional Manipulation or Begging People To Buy With “Objection Handling”

Closed & Paid Recruitment Agency

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  • SDR and Closer roles

  • $5,000 to $50,000 monthly OTE

For the sales rep struggling to feel authentic amid all the conventional BS — this is for YOU

If you've been in the online sales game for a while, you'll realize it's all the same shitThe same outdated tactics, and the same outdated funnel:Sales is usually taught one of two ways: either you pretend you’re not selling with a “free strategy session,” or you end up begging and convincing prospects to buy using objection-handling tacticsUp until now, I’m sure the sales advice you’ve heard has been: “Go deeper in discovery! Create the gap! Use scarcity! Urgency! Then handle their objections!”

You need to otimize the entire sales process, not just the sales call

Nobody realizes that they get objections because they sell their offer inefficiently, creating friction and leaving money on the table.The goal here is to show you how to actually SELL your offer, instead of manipulating people into buying itThis is NOT another sales training course where we tell you to fix your tonality or “handle objections better.”If you’re here, it’s because you want to learn how to ACTUALLY sell in 2024The ‘Closed & Paid’ sales process is designed to sell any offer as efficiently as possibleSo from the moment your lead opts into your funnel, to jumping on the call, to receiving the Stripe notification of a closed deal…The focus is on building trust and respect without relying on emotional manipulation or objection-handling tactics to beg and convince strangers to buy from you

Learn the skills & get hired

And not only will you learn the entire landscape of online sales from A to Z…We have our own recruitment partnerships to directly get you setup on interviews with hundreds of businesses hiring setters and closers

Here's the story of how it all started:

Struggling actor turned 'no nonsense' sales coach, whose methods have generated millions in cash in under 1 year reveals his secret to smashing sales quotas without wasting time on desperate 'convincing' tactics.

My name’s Rich. Not too many years ago, I was a struggling actor trying to make money in sales, but I was drowning in outdated, desperate tactics that didn’t feel authentic to me.I'd spend countless hours trying to convince prospects (cos that's what the gurus teach), only to end up chasing and still failing to close the deals I wanted.I was doing everything the so-called "gurus" taught, yet my sales numbers were abysmal.It seemed every sales guru was preaching the same thing: going “deeper in discovery and handling objections!” But the thought of doing that on a call made me cringe.But you know what the worst part was?After all that time obsessing and stressing over sales strategies…My close rate would barely move. I'd be chasing clients non stop… begging and convincing them to buy
"Hey, just checking in…." (you know the deal)
And The only people who would close would be 'lay down' deals, who were going to close anyway.I felt like a complete and utter failure at 'closing'And a complete and utter failure at running a business.Things got so dire, I couldn't even pay my rent anymore. Then, call it luck, fate, or even "divine intervention" if you want… but I decided to do the exact opposite of what I was taught.That “F*ck it” moment when I decided to just do what felt right for me, without worrying about what the sales gurus think.Because honestly, I didn't care if people bought at all, and I was sick of pretending like I did.So instead of begging for the "Yes"I started to push for the "No"I stopped pretending "i'm not here to sell you today", and began challenging prospects on their beliefs, pushing them away almost.The results were literally immediate and astonishing. Trust was built in an instant.I, and my team that i managed, collected over $5 million in cash in under a year using these 'Closed & Paid' methods. And now, I'm ready to share our filthy sales secrets with you.

Long story short:

Since I was in a hurry and didn't have time to spend weeks and months perfecting my sales approach, I decided to do a little "experiment" and try something completely different.It was, in many ways, the opposite of what a lot of sales gurus were teaching.And, I didn’t really think it’d work to be perfectly honest.But, I figured I had nothing to lose (the conventional sales techniques weren’t working anyway) and tried it.So with a ‘fuck it’ attitude… I quickly implemented my experimental method for pushing for the "No" and challenging prospects directly. The approach was far from perfect.But, (as I soon discovered) it was “good enough” to use, I taught my team of 6 closers..

The result?

That one just “good enough” sales methodHelped me collect millions in cash, whilst no other sales rep on the offer I was on, had ever collected even $200kAnd the rest of the team followed suit.I even took two appointment setters with zero closing experience, go from ZERO to making $30,000 a month, without breaking a sweat.

And I did this in under 12 months!

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  • $5,000 to $50,000 monthly OTE

But that’s not all:

The success I had with that unconventional method was so great, I attracted other sales reps and even offer owners who wanted to use my sales approach to sell their products, too.

"Rich was invaluable to scaling one of our offers."

But, I had to wonder: Why did this work so well?

Was I really on to something with this new way of selling that let me bypass weeks (and even months) of stress and tediously convincing prospects?Or, was this just some kind of “one hit wonder” that only worked for my particular product and market? So I immediately tested this new formula on other offers.I started teaching this to an agency offer, a youtube offer, a call centre offer, an amazon offer, a trading offer….And guess what?Not only did I close those deals in record time, too, closing 45k, 60k, 85k deals in one call but…It worked for every other sales rep!After that, it was like the floodgates opened.And my close network started implementing it….

“I hit my first $10k month in 30 days after working with you"

Selling became unbelievably fast & easy with cash pouring in.My method was so against what everyone else was doing, colleagues who didnt actually know me, called me a ‘con artist’ …

And, clients started seeking me out for consulting. (Instead of me seeking them out.)In many cases, they didn’t even want to see my portfolio.They’d either heard about my results and wanted to hire me because they knew my method worked.Or they had seen a demonstration of how I closed deals. Or they simply saw how I applied this new way of selling to other offers.

"Within one week i have learned more from rich and ryan than i have learned spending 1000s on sales courses over the last few years."

"He's been fundamental in my success in my journey from setter to closer."

"These guys have helped me out tremendously, just being able to access their calls and how they do things."

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  • Anyway, my “Closed & Paid” method is based on two key principles:

Pushing for the "No": Why it works

Instead of trying to avoid rejection like most sales tactics suggest, I embraced it.I approached sales the way successful negotiators approach complex deals — by getting inside the heads of my prospects.If negotiators can understand the psychology and motivations of the other party to reach favorable outcomes, why not use the same methodology to understand my customers?I figured out exactly what they were thinking, what they wanted, and what to say to them. When you know precisely “what” to say, the “how” becomes less important.By directly challenging my prospects and pushing for the "No," instead of the yes, I could close deals quickly - without any conventional BS tacticsEven if the approach was imperfect or unconventional, it still made a ton of sales and outperformed traditional methods that took much longer to execute.The reason it works - is because it builds TRUST and RESPECT.At a high level, your prospects know every sales tactic in the book. They won’t buy from you if you’re using outdated tactics, like creating false urgency and scarcity.

"Everything i have been taught up until this point seems useless."

Simplifying the Sales Process

I threw out all the complicated sales scripts, checklists, and formulas that the so-called gurus were pushing.While those things might work for them, they only made the process overwhelming and desperate for me.Instead, I broke down the sales process into simple, actionable steps that even a frustrated and overwhelmed sales rep could follow.By reverse engineering what actually worked, I developed a streamlined approach that was easy to implement and incredibly effective.I cut out all the BS and ended up with the simplest framework to follow — one that doesn’t include a single tactic from the conventional sales gurus.

"Not many that come close to this level of insight."

The result?A ridiculously simple way to close sales fast — that also collects lots of cash ON the call itself.There is absolutely 0 "fluff".In fact, some people I've shown it to...Have accused my sales method of being “overly streamlined!”As if it's a problem to be "too simple" and "too efficient" LOLIs that true?I don't know, maybe.What I do know is, my sales method has collectively (between my clients' businesses and my own) helped generate tens of millions of dollars in some of the most competitive markets (like tech, saas, consulting, and high-ticket coaching).Believe it or not, a few top sales professionals are even on record stealing my use cases and adding them to their own teachings and course.(like top closers in several major industries) … but so be it, none of them are me.

"Always went above and beyond"

"These guys are on a completely different level. Super strong vouch for Rich"

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  • Here are a few examples of what I've accomplished with this "Closed & Paid" method:

Closed Deals That Have Generated Millions

  1. One-Call Closing $25-135k Packages: ensuring my prospects were coming to the call ready to make a decision

  2. Transforming a Failing Offer: Took a brand-new offer from $0 to $250,000 in cash in just 2 ½ months by pushing for the "No" and challenging prospects.

  3. High Conversion Rates: Applied the Closed & Paid method to a struggling offer, increasing the close rate to 40%—including cold prospects who had never heard of us before.

  4. Rapid Sales Growth: Implemented this method for a start-up consulting business, pulling in as much as $200k per month. (Best part: I knew NOTHING about the consulting industry when I started. The method works regardless.)

  5. Invited to Teach: My methods have caught the attention of prestigious sales organizations. I've been invited to teach my approach to companies and coaching groups left right and centre.

Closed & Paid REcrutiment Agency

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  • SDR and Closer roles

  • $5,000 to $50,000 monthly OTE

What This Means for Your Business

For a long time I deliberated on whether i should release this info to the public, I resisted sharing exactly how I achieved these results in detail.The way I see it, there's more value in keeping secrets than sharing them. And, I simply wasn't motivated to teach it to everyone in detail.But I recently decided to offer it in a course format (super easy to consume):The Closed & Paid Sales ProcessNo, it won't make you a "sales guru."(Even though I've gotten testimonials from top sales professionals.)Or even a so-called "world-class" sales expert.And, while I call it “no-nonsense,” that doesn’t mean you can be lazy. It still takes hard work and time. It just doesn’t take nearly as much effort and time as other methods I’ve seen.Even so, I believe it can help you double or triple your sales… cut your selling time by as much as half (or more)… and virtually eliminate all the nagging frustration, stress, and confusion you feel when trying to close deals now.However, a word of warning:
This course (it’s just a course — no fluff, no filler) is a LOT different than what you have conventionally been taught.
You will have to "unlearn" most of what you think you know about sales.If that gives you acid reflux, then I suggest buying a more “conventional” and/or cheaper sales training product, book, or course, instead.(There are certainly plenty to choose from.)

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BUT, I'll tell you what it does include! (you don't want to miss this)

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  • $5,000 to $50,000 monthly OTE

  • Otherwise, to help you decide, here’s a “sneak preview” of what’s inside:

Closed & Paid Sales Course:

  • Systems that Sell: How you can leverage on the entire conversion process to pre sell your prospects before the sales call.

  • Mastering the Art of Irresistible Offers: Learn how to influence prospects by crafting offers they can't refuse.

  • Back to Basics for Massive Impact: Simplify your sales approach to avoid missing the forest for the trees.

  • Realizing the Power of Simplicity: See why simplicity trumps complexity in sales and how to apply it effectively.

  • Building Trust with Solid Guarantees: Understand the importance of proof and guarantees to build trust with your prospects.

  • Crafting the Perfect Offer: Dive deep into creating offers with options and caveats that resonate with your audience.

  • Perception is Everything: Influence prospects' perceptions with a mindset shift no one talks about.

  • Streamlining Pre-Call Processes: Optimize pre-call flows, sales assets, and appointment setting, even with distracted prospects.

  • Setting the Stage for Success: Build trust and respect right from the intro of your sales calls.

  • Mastering the Yes or No: Use the nuanced "Yes or No" method to get clear decisions without sounding salesy.

  • Challenging Prospects Effectively: Create urgency and scarcity by challenging prospects to think critically.

  • Uncovering Goals and Motivations: Learn techniques to bring up problems, pre-handle objections, and motivate change.

  • From Pitch to Close: Seamlessly transition from pitching to closing by providing solutions rather than just handling objections.

  • Down-Selling with Confidence: Master the art of down-selling and handling follow-ups without giving free contracts or proposals.

  • Pre and Post Bridge Concepts: Shorten your sales cycle and increase deposits with effective bridge concepts.

  • The 3 Pointer Method: Learn to close deals with concise, impactful communication.

  • Landing and Closing Dream Clients: Close high-value clients by understanding frame dynamics and using presentations to boost credibility.

  • Social Dynamics in Sales: Navigate social dynamics, handle shit tests, and establish your stature in personal and business contexts.

  • Case Studies for Real-World Insights: See how our methods have transformed offers into six-figure successes in record time.

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  • SDR and Closer roles

  • $5,000 to $50,000 monthly OTE

Let's take a break to “riff” on this a moment.If you ask 9 out of 10 sales professionals what they want to know to make more sales, they'll ask you about all the best sales tricks, tactics, and techniques.But, they are asking the wrong questions. That's like asking an FBI agent what's more important — being able to shoot a criminal in the eye from 200 feet away…or knowing how to profile a criminal so they know where that criminal will be, what their next move is, how they think, and the best way to catch them.I'm not saying to call your customers criminals.But, if you know how to “profile” your customers like lawmen do… so you know everything about your customers psychologically, emotionally, and even physically…

You Can Make Many Extra Sales Regardless Of How Good Your “Selling” Skills Are!

You'll know exactly what they want.Exactly what to say to them.And, exactly how to deliver your message in the most “non salesy” way.Anyway, that’s one of the things the Closed & Paid Sales Process shows you: How to “profile” your market like this so you almost know more about them than their own mothers.

Plus, I'll also show you these other little-known sales tips:

  • Pre-Call Flows and Sales Assets: How to use pre-call PDFs and templates to pre-sell your prospects before you even get on the call.

  • Mindset Mastery: The mindset techniques no one mentions but are crucial for high-ticket sales success.

  • Handling Difficult Prospects: Tactics for tackling prospects who are driving or have their camera off during a call.

  • The “Yes or No” Method: How to get decisions on every call without sounding salesy.

But we're just getting warmed up.

Here are some more invaluable tips inside the Closed & Paid Sales Process:

  • Pre-Handling Objections: Learn how to address objections before they even arise, ensuring smoother sales conversations.

  • Challenging the Prospect: Techniques for digging into vague answers and challenging prospects to reveal their true needs and motivations.

  • Creating REAL Urgency: How to create genuine urgency without resorting to salesy “cost of inaction” tactics.

  • Pitching a NEW Offer: How to pitch the perfect offer to every prospect, increasing your close rates dramatically.

  • Down-Selling: When and how to down-sell to lower ticket offers, payment plans, or financing options to ensure no lead is left behind.

Here’s what else you'll find in the Master Sheet and Video Library:

  • Master Framework: A bank of questions, challenges, and reframes to use in any sales conversation, ensuring you're always prepared.

  • Flowchart: A visual framework for crafting scripts that convert, tailored to any offer or industry.

  • Live Call Reviews: Real examples of how to apply the Closed & Paid methods in actual sales calls, with detailed breakdowns and critiques.

  • Case Studies: In-depth analysis of how we took brand new offers from zero to six figures in profit in just weeks using our principles.

  • Appointment Setting: Best practices for setting appointments and ensuring your prospects show up ready to buy.

Speaking of making sales:

Once upon a time, I developed a call structure that nobody (including myself) thought would work.But not only did it succeed, the clients I used it with saw their close rates skyrocket. We simply followed the structure verbatim (tweaking maybe a word or two at most), along with the right mindset and pre-call preparation.The result?That structure has been used successfully over and over.And, it made my clients a pile of extra sales (and I believe some were already million-dollar earners).Anyway, you can see this structure and know exactly what made it “tick” inside the Closed & Paid Sales Process, where I break it down and show you how to apply the psychology of it to any of your sales calls.

Plus, you’ll also learn these game-changing techniques from our Master Sheet and Video Library:

  • The Best Opening Statements: Word-for-word the single best kind of opening statement to use (proven in countless high-ticket sales)…

  • How to turn a boring pitch into something exciting with just a few extra words…

  • The best type of opener to use if you’re not sure what to say… A simple twist to add more impact to your opening statements used by top sales professionals…

  • A secret way known by psychology experts to make your pitch almost impossible to ignore…

  • When you don’t even need an opening statement (some of the most successful sales pitches in history didn’t have one)…

Here are even more of the sales secrets waiting for you inside:

  • Conquer Rejection: Transform a "No" into a sale with strategies to overcome fear of rejection.

  • Instant Credibility: Build trust with your prospects instantly, even if you're new to the game.

  • Leverage Competitor Insights: Use your competition’s successes and failures to refine your sales approach.

  • Memorable Offers: Ensure prospects keep thinking about your offer long after the call ends.

  • Turn Skeptics into Believers: Make even the most skeptical prospects trust you and your offer.

  • Pitching with Presentations: Present your offers confidently and concisely, keeping your prospects’ attention throughout.

  • Master Templates: The exact templates we use in our own consulting — perfect for sparking ideas and giving your presentations irresistible “twists” that drive curiosity. I use this list every time to save a ton of time and headaches.

  • Word-For-Word Analysis: Of some of my calls and scripts! This is arguably more valuable than even the main training. See my Closed & Paid formula “in action” — where I break down every word, every objection, every story, every psychological insight, and show you exactly how to think, work, and strategize when making your own sales calls.

And much, much more.

Anyway, I could go on and on, but here’s the deal:

The Closed & Paid Sales Process is a comprehensive course with actionable techniques and proven strategies to close more deals—without feeling inauthentic or using outdated sales tactics.It’s designed to be consumed (and implemented) fast and can be applied to any kind of sales scenario you encounter — from cold calls to high-ticket closings.Plus, it includes a treasure trove of additional sales training, teachings, real call reviews, and insights that can drive your results higher, outperform your competition, and make you look like a hero to your clients and prospects.

Here’s what it costs:

Sales Process Course
Direct Job Interviews
DealFuel Job Marketplace


One-time payment
6 Month Access

Sales Process Course


One-time payment
6 Month Access

- You will NOT have access DealFuel or direct job interviews

Closed & Paid REcrutiment Agency

  • Get set up directly on job interviews

  • SDR and Closer roles

  • $5,000 to $50,000 monthly OTE


To gain an even deeper knowledge and understanding of the Closed & Paid Sales Process, we offer mentorship to work directly with us.

See the results:

Bruno closed 48k in 3 months from Nigeria using our methods.

Daavi went from 40k a month to 60k a week in 2 months using our methods.

How we helped Brandon double his close rate in only 1 month.

How we helped Ephraim hit a record $13k+ in a month by 'pushing for the no' & maintaining frame.

How We Built a Sales Process for John To Close $130,000 in Revenue in His 1st Month With a New Offer.

˗ˏˋ I want to acquire clients ˎˊ˗


Lifetime members receive a done-for-you setup, which includes:

  • A 30-minute 1-on-1 strategy call with me

  • Direction on where you source and activate your leads

  • DFY Email scripts and follow up sequences

  • FREE copy of 'The Operations Handbook' (value $499)

"I've landed calls with industry titans like Nespresso, Porsche, and Birkenstock using a counterintuitive 'Elite Prospecting' strategy that defies everything you've been told about cold outreach.""This isn't theory - it's the exact playbook I use daily to fill my calendar with high-value prospects. And now, you can too."

Hey there ambitious business owner, whether youre just starting or experienced and wanting to scale…

Are you tired of:- Spending countless hours crafting emails that never get opened?- Watching your carefully designed lead magnets get ignored?- Dealing with tire-kickers who waste your time and never buy?- Feeling like you're always chasing after clients instead of having them come to you?- Struggling to stand out in a sea of competitors all using the same outdated tactics?If you're nodding your head to any of these, you're not alone. And more importantly, you're in the right place.

Here's the story:

I'm Myles Broom, the founder of a seven-figure marketing agency that I've built entirely through cold outreach. But it wasn't always this way.Just a few years back, I was stuck in the trenches, following all the "expert" advice:- Sending out countless emails with fancy templates
- Offering free PDFs and lead magnets
- Desperately following up with prospects who'd gone cold
Sound familiar?The result? A trickle of responses from tire-kickers and freebie-seekers. Not exactly the path to scaling a business.I was frustrated, overwhelmed, and questioning if I had what it takes to succeed. Maybe you're feeling the same way right now.But then I had a breakthrough.I tossed out the playbook and did something that felt almost crazy at the time:I started treating cold emails like high-stakes business conversations.No more cute openers. No more "value-add" freebies. Just straight talk that commands attention from serious decision-makers.The results? Mind-blowing.Suddenly, I wasn't just getting replies - I was booking calls with C-suite executives at billion-dollar companies. We're talking household names like MyProtein, True Classic, and even luxury brands like Porsche.And here's the kicker: I've replicated this success across multiple industries. SaaS, funding, agencies - you name it. In the past year alone, I've taken seven different offers from zero to $10k/month, usually within 60 days.Now, for the first time ever, I'm pulling back the curtain on my entire process.

The Cold, Hard Truth About Your Current Approach

Let's face it: if you're following conventional wisdom, you're probably:1. Wasting time on prospects who'll never buy
2. Positioning yourself as a commodity, not an authority
3. Competing in a red ocean of look-alike pitches
4. Struggling to get responses, let alone meetings
5. Feeling frustrated and questioning if cold email even works anymore
But it goes deeper than that. You're likely also:- Feeling overwhelmed by the constant need to "hustle" and "grind" just to keep your business afloat
- Doubting your skills and wondering if you're really cut out for entrepreneurship
- Stressed about inconsistent cash flow and the feast-or-famine cycle
- Worried that you're missing out on big opportunities because you can't reach decision-makers
- Frustrated by the lack of respect and attention from high-level prospects.
Here's the harsh reality: It's not about how many emails you send or how pretty your PDF freebie looks. It's about the precision, frame, and nuance behind your messaging.In 2024, you have a choice: remain a sheep following the herd, or rise to the top as a lion who commands attention from day one.

Introducing: The Elite Prospecting Blueprint

This isn't just another course on writing "better" emails. It's a complete paradigm shift in how you approach cold outreach.Here's a taste of what you'll learn:1. The "CEO Mindset" Shift: Discover why your current approach is actually repelling high-value prospects, and how to instantly position yourself as a peer, not a pest.2. The "No BS" Template Arsenal: Get access to the exact email templates that have landed me meetings with Fortune 500 executives. These aren't your typical "Hi {FirstName}" snooze-fests.3. The "Insta-Meeting" Method: Learn how to structure your outreach so prospects are eager to jump on a call - often the same day they receive your email.4. Advanced Targeting Tactics: Stop wasting time on prospects who'll never buy. I'll show you how to identify and reach the top 0.1% in any market.5. The "Objection Obliterator": Master my proven techniques for turning brush-offs into booked meetings.

And i Did This In Under 12 Months!

But that's just scratching the surface

Here's the full breakdown of what you'll get:Module 1: Mindset Mastery- Why 99% of cold emailers fail before they even hit send
- The counterintuitive psychology that makes CEOs want to talk to you
- How to develop unshakeable confidence in your outreach
- Overcoming imposter syndrome and positioning yourself as an authority
Module 2: The Perfect Prospect Profile- My proprietary method for identifying companies that are primed to buy
- How to find direct email addresses for C-suite executives (no more gatekeepers!)
- The "hidden goldmine" technique for uncovering prospects your competitors are missing
- Creating an ideal customer avatar that attracts high-ticket clients
Module 3: Crafting Killer Campaigns- The exact subject lines that get 80%+ open rates from high-level decision-makers
- My "3-sentence persuasion" formula that turns cold prospects hot
- Why adding THIS one element to your emails skyrockets your response rates
- How to write copy that speaks directly to your prospect's deepest desires and pain points
Module 4: The Follow-Up Frenzy- The perfect timing and frequency for follow-ups (based on data from millions of emails)
- How to use "pattern interrupts" to grab attention and stand out in a crowded inbox
- The controversial "final email" technique that often results in an immediate response
- Automating your follow-up process without losing the personal touch
Module 5: Scaling Your Outreach- How to automate your outreach without losing the personal touch
- The tools and software I use to manage thousands of prospects effortlessly
- My team structure for handling high-volume, high-quality outreach
- Building systems that allow you to scale without burning out
Module 6: Closing the Deal- How to turn email responses into booked meetings (without playing calendar tag)
- The exact script I use to open calls and set the frame for success
- My "value-first" closing technique that makes prospects eager to work with you
- Handling objections and negotiating with confidence

Plus, you'll get these exclusive bonuses:- Bonus 1: The "Event Domination" Strategy - How I book dozens of meetings at industry conferences without even attending- Bonus 2: The "LinkedIn Lookalike" Method - Leverage LinkedIn's algorithm to find your perfect prospects- Bonus 3: The "6-Figure Email Swipe File" - A collection of my highest-performing emails across various industries

Your Investment in Domination

This is for serious players who are committed to results. If you're looking for a magic button, this isn't it. But if you're ready to put in the work and apply these strategies, the ROI will be astronomical.Consider this:- How much is your time worth? This system will save you countless hours of wasted effort.- What's the lifetime value of just ONE high-ticket client? This course will help you land dozens.- How much have you already spent on courses that promised results but didn't deliver?This isn't just another expense. It's an investment in your future success.

Just imagine:

- No more begging for attention from low-tier prospects- A calendar filled with calls from decision-makers at top companies- The confidence to reach out to ANY company, no matter how big- A predictable system for generating high-ticket leads on demand- Finally breaking free from the feast-or-famine cycle- Building a business that provides true financial freedom and lifestyle flexibilityThis is your chance to leapfrog the competition and position yourself at the top of your market.But don't wait. I'm only opening this to a limited number of students to ensure everyone gets results.

The Cold, Hard MathLet's break it down:- If you land just ONE $10,000 client from this system, you've already more than tripled your investment.- If you book just 3 meetings a week (which is conservative), that's 156 high-quality prospects per year.- Even with a modest 10% close rate, that's 15 new high-ticket clients annually.Can you see how quickly this compounds?

Still on the fence?

  1. The first 50 people to join will also get:

  2. A 30-minute 1-on-1 strategy call with me personally ($500 value)

  3. Lifetime access to our private Discord community where we share wins, tips, and new strategies ($997/year value)

  4. Monthly live Q&A sessions where I answer your specific questions ($1,997/year value)

  5. That's over $3,000 in additional value, absolutely free.

  6. But remember, these bonuses are only for the first 50 students. Once they're gone, they're gone for good.

  7. The choice is yours. You can keep struggling with outdated tactics, or you can join the elite few who are dominating their markets through strategic, high-level outreach.

  8. I've shown you the blueprint. Now it's time for you to take action.

See you on the inside

Myles BroomP.S. Still on the fence? Consider this: How much is just ONE high-ticket client worth to your business? This course will give you the tools to land dozens. The ROI is a no-brainer for anyone serious about scaling their business through cold outreach.P.P.S. Remember, the price may increase to $4,997 soon, and the exclusive bonuses are only for the first 50 students. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your business.

(NOTE: There are no refunds and all sales are final)

See the results:

˗ˏˋ I want to acquire clients ˎˊ˗


Lifetime members receive a done-for-you setup, which includes:

  • A 30-minute 1-on-1 strategy call with me

  • Direction on where you source and activate your leads

  • DFY Email scripts and follow up sequences

  • FREE copy of 'The Operations Handbook' (value $499)

"I've landed calls with industry titans like Nespresso, Porsche, and Birkenstock using a counterintuitive 'Elite Prospecting' strategy that defies everything you've been told about cold outreach.""This isn't theory - it's the exact playbook I use daily to fill my calendar with high-value prospects. And now, you can too."

Hey there ambitious business owner, whether youre just starting or experienced and wanting to scale…

Are you tired of:- Spending countless hours crafting emails that never get opened?- Watching your carefully designed lead magnets get ignored?- Dealing with tire-kickers who waste your time and never buy?- Feeling like you're always chasing after clients instead of having them come to you?- Struggling to stand out in a sea of competitors all using the same outdated tactics?If you're nodding your head to any of these, you're not alone. And more importantly, you're in the right place.

Here's the story:

I'm Myles Broom, the founder of a seven-figure marketing agency that I've built entirely through cold outreach. But it wasn't always this way.Just a few years back, I was stuck in the trenches, following all the "expert" advice:- Sending out countless emails with fancy templates
- Offering free PDFs and lead magnets
- Desperately following up with prospects who'd gone cold
Sound familiar?The result? A trickle of responses from tire-kickers and freebie-seekers. Not exactly the path to scaling a business.I was frustrated, overwhelmed, and questioning if I had what it takes to succeed. Maybe you're feeling the same way right now.But then I had a breakthrough.I tossed out the playbook and did something that felt almost crazy at the time:I started treating cold emails like high-stakes business conversations.No more cute openers. No more "value-add" freebies. Just straight talk that commands attention from serious decision-makers.The results? Mind-blowing.Suddenly, I wasn't just getting replies - I was booking calls with C-suite executives at billion-dollar companies. We're talking household names like MyProtein, True Classic, and even luxury brands like Porsche.And here's the kicker: I've replicated this success across multiple industries. SaaS, funding, agencies - you name it. In the past year alone, I've taken seven different offers from zero to $10k/month, usually within 60 days.Now, for the first time ever, I'm pulling back the curtain on my entire process.

The Cold, Hard Truth About Your Current Approach

Let's face it: if you're following conventional wisdom, you're probably:1. Wasting time on prospects who'll never buy
2. Positioning yourself as a commodity, not an authority
3. Competing in a red ocean of look-alike pitches
4. Struggling to get responses, let alone meetings
5. Feeling frustrated and questioning if cold email even works anymore
But it goes deeper than that. You're likely also:- Feeling overwhelmed by the constant need to "hustle" and "grind" just to keep your business afloat
- Doubting your skills and wondering if you're really cut out for entrepreneurship
- Stressed about inconsistent cash flow and the feast-or-famine cycle
- Worried that you're missing out on big opportunities because you can't reach decision-makers
- Frustrated by the lack of respect and attention from high-level prospects.
Here's the harsh reality: It's not about how many emails you send or how pretty your PDF freebie looks. It's about the precision, frame, and nuance behind your messaging.In 2024, you have a choice: remain a sheep following the herd, or rise to the top as a lion who commands attention from day one.

Introducing: The Elite Prospecting Blueprint

This isn't just another course on writing "better" emails. It's a complete paradigm shift in how you approach cold outreach.Here's a taste of what you'll learn:1. The "CEO Mindset" Shift: Discover why your current approach is actually repelling high-value prospects, and how to instantly position yourself as a peer, not a pest.2. The "No BS" Template Arsenal: Get access to the exact email templates that have landed me meetings with Fortune 500 executives. These aren't your typical "Hi {FirstName}" snooze-fests.3. The "Insta-Meeting" Method: Learn how to structure your outreach so prospects are eager to jump on a call - often the same day they receive your email.4. Advanced Targeting Tactics: Stop wasting time on prospects who'll never buy. I'll show you how to identify and reach the top 0.1% in any market.5. The "Objection Obliterator": Master my proven techniques for turning brush-offs into booked meetings.

And i Did This In Under 12 Months!

But that’s just scratching the surface:

Here's the full breakdown of what you'll get:Module 1: Mindset Mastery- Why 99% of cold emailers fail before they even hit send
- The counterintuitive psychology that makes CEOs want to talk to you
- How to develop unshakeable confidence in your outreach
- Overcoming imposter syndrome and positioning yourself as an authority
Module 2: The Perfect Prospect Profile- My proprietary method for identifying companies that are primed to buy
- How to find direct email addresses for C-suite executives (no more gatekeepers!)
- The "hidden goldmine" technique for uncovering prospects your competitors are missing
- Creating an ideal customer avatar that attracts high-ticket clients
Module 3: Crafting Killer Campaigns- The exact subject lines that get 80%+ open rates from high-level decision-makers
- My "3-sentence persuasion" formula that turns cold prospects hot
- Why adding THIS one element to your emails skyrockets your response rates
- How to write copy that speaks directly to your prospect's deepest desires and pain points
Module 4: The Follow-Up Frenzy- The perfect timing and frequency for follow-ups (based on data from millions of emails)
- How to use "pattern interrupts" to grab attention and stand out in a crowded inbox
- The controversial "final email" technique that often results in an immediate response
- Automating your follow-up process without losing the personal touch
Module 5: Scaling Your Outreach- How to automate your outreach without losing the personal touch
- The tools and software I use to manage thousands of prospects effortlessly
- My team structure for handling high-volume, high-quality outreach
- Building systems that allow you to scale without burning out
Module 6: Closing the Deal- How to turn email responses into booked meetings (without playing calendar tag)
- The exact script I use to open calls and set the frame for success
- My "value-first" closing technique that makes prospects eager to work with you
- Handling objections and negotiating with confidence

Plus, you'll get these exclusive bonuses:- Bonus 1: The "Event Domination" Strategy - How I book dozens of meetings at industry conferences without even attending- Bonus 2: The "LinkedIn Lookalike" Method - Leverage LinkedIn's algorithm to find your perfect prospects- Bonus 3: The "6-Figure Email Swipe File" - A collection of my highest-performing emails across various industries

Your Investment in Domination

This is for serious players who are committed to results. If you're looking for a magic button, this isn't it. But if you're ready to put in the work and apply these strategies, the ROI will be astronomical.Consider this:- How much is your time worth? This system will save you countless hours of wasted effort.- What's the lifetime value of just ONE high-ticket client? This course will help you land dozens.- How much have you already spent on courses that promised results but didn't deliver?This isn't just another expense. It's an investment in your future success.

Just Imagine:

- No more begging for attention from low-tier prospects- A calendar filled with calls from decision-makers at top companies- The confidence to reach out to ANY company, no matter how big- A predictable system for generating high-ticket leads on demand- Finally breaking free from the feast-or-famine cycle- Building a business that provides true financial freedom and lifestyle flexibilityThis is your chance to leapfrog the competition and position yourself at the top of your market.But don't wait. I'm only opening this to a limited number of students to ensure everyone gets results.

The Cold, Hard MathLet's break it down:- If you land just ONE $10,000 client from this system, you've already more than tripled your investment.- If you book just 3 meetings a week (which is conservative), that's 156 high-quality prospects per year.- Even with a modest 10% close rate, that's 15 new high-ticket clients annually.Can you see how quickly this compounds?

Still on the fence?

  1. The first 50 people to join will also get:

  2. A 30-minute 1-on-1 strategy call with me personally ($500 value)

  3. Lifetime access to our private Discord community where we share wins, tips, and new strategies ($997/year value)

  4. Monthly live Q&A sessions where I answer your specific questions ($1,997/year value)

  5. That's over $3,000 in additional value, absolutely free.

  6. But remember, these bonuses are only for the first 50 students. Once they're gone, they're gone for good.

  7. The choice is yours. You can keep struggling with outdated tactics, or you can join the elite few who are dominating their markets through strategic, high-level outreach.

  8. I've shown you the blueprint. Now it's time for you to take action.

See you on the inside

Consider this: How much is just ONE high-ticket client worth to your business? This course will give you the tools to land dozens. The ROI is a no-brainer for anyone serious about scaling their business through cold outreach.P.P.S. the price may increase soon, and the exclusive bonuses are only for the first 50 students. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your business.

See the results:

˗ˏˋ I want to close clients ˎˊ˗

We collected millions in cash by doing the opposite of what you are conventionally taught

Lifetime Members

  • 1 hour consult call to restructure your sales process

  • FREE copy of 'The Operations Handbook' to steal the brain behind our sales process (value $499)

“I’ve closed high-ticket sales worth millions of dollars using our unconventional ‘Closed & Paid’ method that goes against everything you’ve been taught about selling.”“You can implement these strategies in your business, too — with our comprehensive course that’s so straightforward, you can start applying it today and see results as early as tomorrow…”

Dear business owner + future sales genius,

If you want to double (even triple) your sales while cutting your selling time in half and eliminating the stress, frustration, and overwhelm you feel with traditional sales methods, that go round and round, then this letter will show you how.

Here's the story:

My name's Rich, and not too many years ago, i was a struggling actor and frustrated sales professional drowning in outdated desperate tactics. I'd spend countless hours trying to convince prospects (cos that's what the gurus teach), only to end up chasing and still failing to close the deals I wanted. I was doing everything the so-called "gurus" taught, yet my sales numbers were abysmal.But you know what the worst part was?After all that time obsessing and stressing over our sales strategies…My Close Rate Would Barely Move. I'd be chasing clients non stop…
"Hey, just checking in…." (you know the deal)
And The only people who would close would be 'lay down' deals, who were going to close anyway.I felt like a complete and utter failure at 'closing'And a complete and utter failure at running a business.Things got so dire, I couldn't even pay my rent anymore. Then, call it luck, fate, or even "divine intervention" if you want… but I decided to do the exact opposite of what I was taught. I embraced the "No, instead of desperately looking for the yes" stopped pretending "i'm not here to sell you today", and began challenging prospects on their beliefs, pushing them away almost.The results were literally immediate and astonishing. Trust was built in an instant.I, and my team that i managed, collected over $5 million in cash in under a year using these 'Closed & Paid' methods. And now, I'm ready to share our filthy sales secrets with you.

Long story short:

Since I was in a hurry and didn't have time to spend weeks and months perfecting my sales approach, I decided to do a little "experiment" and try something completely different.It was, in many ways, the opposite of what a lot of sales gurus were teaching.And, I didn’t really think it’d work to be perfectly honest.But, I figured I had nothing to lose (my sales techniques weren’t working anyway) and tried it. So with a ‘fuck it’ attitude… I quickly implemented my experimental method for pushing for the "No" and challenging prospects directly. The approach was far from perfect. But, (as I soon discovered) it was “good enough” to use, I taught my team of 6 closers..

The result?

That One Just “Good Enough” Sales MethodHelped Me Collect Millions in Cash, Whilst No Other Sales Rep On The Offer I Was On, Had Ever Collected Even $200kAnd the rest of the team followed suit.I even took two appointment setters with zero closing experience, go from ZERO to making $30,000 a month, without breaking a sweat.

And i Did This In Under 12 Months!

But that’s not all:

The success I had with that unconventional method was so great, I attracted other sales reps and even offer owners who wanted to use my sales approach to sell their products, too.

"Rich was invaluable to scaling one of our offers."

Was I really on to something with this new way of selling that let me bypass weeks (and even months) of stress and tediously convincing prospects? Or, was this just some kind of “one hit wonder” that only worked for my particular product and market? So I immediately tested this new formula on other offers.I jumped onto an agency offer, a youtube offer, a call centre offer, an amazon offer, a trading offer….And guess what?Not only did I close those deals in record time, too, closing 45k, 60k, 85k deals in one call but…These Other SalesMade Even More Money!After that, it was like the floodgates opened.And my close network started implementing it….

Selling became unbelievably fast & easy with cash pouring in.My method was so against what everyone else was doing, colleagues who didnt actually know me, called me a ‘con artist’ …

“The speed in which i improved was ridiculous.”

And, clients started seeking me out for consulting. (Instead of me seeking them out.) In many cases, they didn’t even want to see my portfolio. They’d either heard about my results and wanted to hire me because they knew my method worked. Or they had seen a demonstration of how I closed deals. Or they simply saw how I applied this new way of selling to other offers.

"Within one week i have learned more from rich and ryan than i have learned spending 1000s on sales courses over the last few years."

"He's been fundamental in my success in my journey from setter to closer."

"These guys have helped me out tremendously, just being able to access their calls and how they do things."

  • Anyway, my “Closed & Paid” method is based on two key principles:

Pushing for the "No"

Instead of trying to avoid rejection like most sales tactics suggest, I embraced it. I approached sales the way successful negotiators approach complex deals — by getting inside the heads of my prospects. If negotiators can understand the psychology and motivations of the other party to reach favorable outcomes, why not use the same methodology to understand my customers? I figured out exactly what they were thinking, what they wanted, and what to say to them. When you know precisely “what” to say, the “how” becomes less important. By directly challenging my prospects and pushing for the "No," instead of the yes, I could close deals quickly. Even if the approach was imperfect or unconventional, it still made a ton of sales and outperformed traditional methods that took much longer to execute.

"Everything i have been taught up until this point seems useless."

Simplifying the Sales Process

I threw out all the complicated sales scripts, checklists, and formulas that the so-called gurus were pushing. While those things might work for them, they only made the process overwhelming and desperate for me. Instead, I broke down the sales process into simple, actionable steps that even a frustrated and overwhelmed sales rep could follow. By reverse engineering what actually worked, I developed a streamlined approach that was easy to implement and incredibly effective.

The result?A ridiculously simple way to close sales fast — that also collects lots of cash ON the call itself.In fact, some people I've shown it to...Have Accused My Sales Method Of Being “Overly Streamlined!”Is that true?I don't know, maybe.What I do know is, my sales method has collectively (between my clients' businesses and my own) helped generate tens of millions of dollars in some of the most competitive markets (like tech, saas, consulting, and high-ticket coaching). Believe it or not, a few top sales professionals are even on record stealing my use cases and adding them to their own teachings and course (like top closers in several major industries) … but so be it, none of them are me.

  • Here are a few examples of what I've accomplished with this "Closed & Paid" method:

"Not many that come close to this level of insight."

Closed Deals That Have Generated Millions

  1. One-Call Closing $25-135k Packages: ensuring my prospects were coming to the call ready to make a decision

  2. Transforming a Failing Offer: Took a brand-new offer from $0 to $250,000 in cash in just 2 ½ months by pushing for the "No" and challenging prospects.

  3. High Conversion Rates: Applied the Closed & Paid method to a struggling offer, increasing the close rate to 40%—including cold prospects who had never heard of us before.

  4. Rapid Sales Growth: Implemented this method for a start-up consulting business, pulling in as much as $200k per month. (Best part: I knew NOTHING about the consulting industry when I started. The method works regardless.)

  5. Invited to Teach: My methods have caught the attention of prestigious sales organizations. I've been invited to teach my approach to companies and coaching groups left right and centre.

"These guys are on a completely different level. Super strong vouch for Rich"

What This Means for Your Business

For a long time i deliberated on whether i should release this info to the public, I resisted sharing exactly how I achieved these results in detail. The way I see it, there's more value in keeping secrets than sharing them. And, I simply wasn't motivated to teach it to everyone in detail.But I recently decided to offer it in a course format (super easy to consume):The Closed & Paid Sales ProcessNo, it won't make you a "sales guru."(Even though I've gotten testimonials from top sales professionals.)Or even a so-called "world-class" sales expert.And, while I call it “no-nonsense,” that doesn’t mean you can be lazy. It still takes hard work and time. It just doesn’t take nearly as much effort and time as other methods I’ve seen. Even so, I believe it can help you double or triple your sales… cut your selling time by as much as half (or more)… and virtually eliminate all the nagging frustration, stress, and confusion you feel when trying to close deals now.

  • Otherwise, to help you decide, here’s a “sneak preview” of what’s inside:

Closed & Paid Sales Course:

  • Mastering the Art of Irresistible Offers: Learn how to influence prospects by crafting offers they can't refuse.

  • Back to Basics for Massive Impact: Simplify your sales approach to avoid missing the forest for the trees.

  • Realizing the Power of Simplicity: See why simplicity trumps complexity in sales and how to apply it effectively.

  • Building Trust with Solid Guarantees: Understand the importance of proof and guarantees to build trust with your prospects.

  • Crafting the Perfect Offer: Dive deep into creating offers with options and caveats that resonate with your audience.

  • Perception is Everything: Influence prospects' perceptions with a mindset shift no one talks about.

  • Streamlining Pre-Call Processes: Optimize pre-call flows, sales assets, and appointment setting, even with distracted prospects.

  • Setting the Stage for Success: Build trust and respect right from the intro of your sales calls.

  • Mastering the Yes or No: Use the nuanced "Yes or No" method to get clear decisions without sounding salesy.

  • Challenging Prospects Effectively: Create urgency and scarcity by challenging prospects to think critically.

  • Uncovering Goals and Motivations: Learn techniques to bring up problems, pre-handle objections, and motivate change.

  • From Pitch to Close: Seamlessly transition from pitching to closing by providing solutions rather than just handling objections.

  • Down-Selling with Confidence: Master the art of down-selling and handling follow-ups without giving free contracts or proposals.

  • Pre and Post Bridge Concepts: Shorten your sales cycle and increase deposits with effective bridge concepts.

  • The 3 Pointer Method: Learn to close deals with concise, impactful communication.

  • Landing and Closing Dream Clients: Close high-value clients by understanding frame dynamics and using presentations to boost credibility.

  • Social Dynamics in Sales: Navigate social dynamics, handle shit tests, and establish your stature in personal and business contexts.

  • Case Studies for Real-World Insights: See how our methods have transformed offers into six-figure successes in record time.

Let's take a break to “riff” on this a moment.If you ask 9 out of 10 sales professionals what they want to know for making more sales, they'll ask you about all the best sales tricks, tactics, and techniques. But, they are asking the wrong questions. That's like asking an FBI agent what's more important — being able to shoot a criminal in the eye from 200 feet away… or knowing how to profile a criminal so they know where that criminal will be, what their next move is, how they think, and the best way to catch them.I'm not saying to call your customers criminals.But, if you know how to “profile” your customers like lawmen do… so you know everything about your customers psychologically, emotionally, and even physically…

You Can Make Many Extra Sales Regardless Of How Good Your “Selling” Skills Are!

You'll know exactly what they want.Exactly what to say to them.And, exactly how to deliver your message in the most “non salesy” way.Anyway, that’s one of the things the Closed & Paid Sales Process shows you: How to “profile” your market like this so you almost know more about them than their own mothers.

Plus, I'll also show you these other little-known sales tips:

  • Pre-Call Flows and Sales Assets: How to use pre-call PDFs and templates to pre-sell your prospects before you even get on the call.

  • Mindset Mastery: The mindset techniques no one mentions but are crucial for high-ticket sales success.

  • Handling Difficult Prospects: Tactics for tackling prospects who are driving or have their camera off during a call.

  • The “Yes or No” Method: How to get decisions on every call without sounding salesy.

But we're just getting warmed up.

Here are some more invaluable tips inside the Closed & Paid Sales Process:

  • Pre-Handling Objections: Learn how to address objections before they even arise, ensuring smoother sales conversations.

  • Challenging the Prospect: Techniques for digging into vague answers and challenging prospects to reveal their true needs and motivations.

  • Creating REAL Urgency: How to create genuine urgency without resorting to salesy “cost of inaction” tactics.

  • Pitching a NEW Offer: How to pitch the perfect offer to every prospect, increasing your close rates dramatically.

  • Down-Selling: When and how to down-sell to lower ticket offers, payment plans, or financing options to ensure no lead is left behind.

Here’s what else you'll find in the Master Sheet and Video Library:

  • Master Framework: A bank of questions, challenges, and reframes to use in any sales conversation, ensuring you're always prepared.

  • Flowchart: A visual framework for crafting scripts that convert, tailored to any offer or industry.

  • Live Call Reviews: Real examples of how to apply the Closed & Paid methods in actual sales calls, with detailed breakdowns and critiques.

  • Case Studies: In-depth analysis of how we took brand new offers from zero to six figures in profit in just weeks using our principles.

  • Appointment Setting: Best practices for setting appointments and ensuring your prospects show up ready to buy.

Speaking of making sales:

Once upon a time, I developed a call structure that nobody (including myself) thought would work. But not only did it succeed, the clients I used it with saw their close rates skyrocket. We simply followed the structure verbatim (tweaking maybe a word or two at most), along with the right mindset and pre-call preparation.The result?That structure has been used successfully over and over. And, it made my clients a pile of extra sales (and I believe some were already million-dollar earners).Anyway, you can see this structure and know exactly what made it “tick” inside the Closed & Paid Sales Process, where I break it down and show you how to apply the psychology of it to any of your sales calls.

Plus, you’ll also learn these game-changing techniques from our Master Sheet and Video Library:

  • The Best Opening Statements: Word-for-word the single best kind of opening statement to use (proven in countless high-ticket sales)…

  • How to turn a boring pitch into something exciting with just a few extra words…

  • The best type of opener to use if you’re not sure what to say… A simple twist to add more impact to your opening statements used by top sales professionals…

  • A secret way known by psychology experts to make your pitch almost impossible to ignore…

  • When you don’t even need an opening statement (some of the most successful sales pitches in history didn’t have one)…

  • A free resource to see opening statements used by the world’s top salespeople you can study, model, and tweak for your sales calls at will… and more.

Here are even more of the sales secrets waiting for you inside:

  • Conquer Rejection: Transform a "No" into a sale with strategies to overcome fear of rejection.

  • Instant Credibility: Build trust with your prospects instantly, even if you're new to the game.

  • Leverage Competitor Insights: Use your competition’s successes and failures to refine your sales approach.

  • Memorable Offers: Ensure prospects keep thinking about your offer long after the call ends.

  • Sell High-Ticket Items Simply: Close high-ticket deals with a few well-crafted sentences.

  • Turn Skeptics into Believers: Make even the most skeptical prospects fully believe in your offer.

  • Confident Presentations: Present your products confidently without sounding desperate or pushy.

  • Create Urgency: Use an old adage to create such intense urgency that prospects act immediately.

And much, much more.

Anyway, I could go on and on, but here’s the deal:

The Closed & Paid Sales Process is a comprehensive course containing actionable techniques and proven strategies to skyrocket your sales. It’s designed to be consumed (and implemented) fast and can be applied to any kind of sales scenario you encounter — from cold calls to high-ticket closings. Plus, it includes a treasure trove of additional sales training, teachings, real call reviews, and insights that can drive your results higher, outperform your competition, and make you look like a hero to your clients.

Bruno closed 48k in 3 months from Nigeria using our methods.

Daavi went from 40k a month to 60k a week in 2 months using our methods.

How we helped Brandon double his close rate in only 1 month.

How we helped Ephraim hit a record $13k+ in a month by 'pushing for the no' & maintaining frame.

How We Built a Sales Process for John To Close $130,000 in Revenue in His 1st Month With a New Offer.

"Always went above and beyond"



To gain an even deeper knowledge and understanding of the Closed & Paid Sales Process, the course also includes 6 valuable “appendix” sections that cover:

  • Master Templates: The exact templates we use in our own consulting — perfect for sparking ideas and giving your presentations irresistible “twists” that drive curiosity. I use this list every time to save a ton of time and headaches.

  • Word-For-Word Analysis: Of 9 of my highest-selling sales calls and scripts! This is arguably more valuable than even the main training. See my Closed & Paid formula “in action” — where I break down every word, every objection, every story, every psychological insight, and show you exactly how to think, work, and strategize when making your own sales calls.

˗ˏˋ Join Closed & Mail ˎˊ˗

The "Unfair Advantage" That's Helping Business/Agency Owners & Sales Reps Dominate Their Markets And Make More $$$

“Whether you're just starting-out or an established sales rep / business owner, you can implement these strategies directly from industry titans — with our value-packed newsltter that’s so straightforward, you can start applying things today and see results as early as tomorrow…”

Dear ambitious entrepreneur or sales professional

In the cutthroat world of sales and marketing, information is power.But here's the harsh reality:Most of the "expert" advice out there is surface-level, recycled fluff that doesn't move the needle. Meanwhile, the true titans of the industry are closely guarding their highest-leverage strategies - leaving the average sales rep or agency owner struggling to break through the noise.Until now.

Introducing "Closed & Mail":

My name's Rich, and not too many years ago, I was a struggling actor and frustrated sales professional drowning in outdated, desperate tactics.I'd spend countless hours trying to convince prospects (because that's what the so-called "gurus" teach), only to end up chasing and still failing to close the deals I wanted.I was doing everything the "experts" said to do, yet my sales numbers were abysmal...Cut to now, and I run a thriving sales agency, placing top-performing sales reps, mentoring students, and managing multiple 7- and 8-figure organizations with their sales processes.And the key to my transformation? Gaining unprecedented access to the strategies, mindsets, and money-making secrets of the true titans of the sales and marketing world.Many of these industry leaders showed me the counterintuitive tactics they use to consistently land high-ticket clients and gave me the unfair advantage I needed to dominate my trajectory.Now, I want to pass those insights directly to you. Through my new monthly newsletter, "Closed & Mail," you'll get an exclusive, backstage pass to the playbooks of the sales and agency superstars who have already "made it" to the top.No more chasing the same stale advice - this is the real deal, straight from those who are living it every day.

A monthly hardcopy newsletter that pulls back the curtain on sales mastery and agency growth secrets:

Each issue features:Exclusive interviews with multimillion-dollar sales superstars and agency ownersActionable how-to articles written by battle-tested expertsDetailed case studies highlighting real-world lead generation and closing strategiesCurated tips, tricks, and tools to boost your productivity, profits, and lifestyleAnd much more...

Imagine having a direct line to the people and processes behind:

The ex-corporate salesperson who now bills $30k per month as a freelance closerThe digital agency that landed a $150k per month retainer with a Fortune 500 clientThe SaaS sales rep who consistently books calls with C-suite executives using "unconventional" outreachThe ecommerce consultant who charges premium rates by positioning themselves as a revenue growth specialist

These are the types of game-changing insights you'll uncover in every issue of "Closed & Mail."It's your backstage pass to the mindsets, methodologies, and money-making secrets of those who've truly "made it" in sales and agency services.And the best part? This isn't just another "digital-only" newsletter that gets lost in the shuffle of your inbox.

But that’s not all:

"Closed & Mail" is a premium, hardcopy publication you will actually look forward to receiving each month.When you subscribe today, you'll also gain access to:The full archive of previous "Closed & Mail" issues, so you can dive into the wealth of past contentA private online community to network with other high-performing sales professionals and agency ownersExclusive virtual events and live Q&As with the newsletter's featured expertsInsider discounts on premium educational resources, tools, and services
And more surprises we have in store for our most committed members

But this opportunity won't last forever.We're limiting the number of charter subscribers to ensure the quality and exclusivity of this community.So if you're ready to stop chasing the same recycled advice and start learning from those who've truly "made it," click the button below to secure your subscription today for just $24.99 - but only for the first 20 spots.

Important note: There are no refunds on "Closed & Mail" subscriptions. This is an exclusive, high-value offer, and we're committed to providing the best possible experience for our members. By subscribing, you're making an investment in your growth and success.

To your sales & business domination,
Richard Lovatt
Founder, "Closed & Mail"
P.S. Remember, this special $24.99 rate is only available to the first 20 subscribers. After that, the price will increase, and access may be restricted.Don't miss your chance to get in on the ground floor. Invest in yourself.

Issue #1 - Limited Edition (only 50 copies)

  • Richard Lovatt Aka CEO of Closed & Paid “Data Digest: What Does The Research Tell Us About Building Trust In Sales?”

  • AND “Top Of Funnel VSL’s in 2024: How we revamped ShownMedia’s sales process and catapulted them to 80k MRR”

  • Ryan Durkin aka Co-Founder of Closed & Paid - “Why Your Sales Script Is a Superstition and How You Can Create a Relevant Discovery Without Forcing an Emotional Sale”

  • Exclusive fireside chat with Devantae Masaun aka CEO of DealFuel.Ai: “My story from rags to riches: Cold calling to running the world’s best marketplace for sales reps and business owners”

  • Myles Broom aka Co-Founder of Acquired & Paid: “Leveraging Cold Email to attract Fortune 500 CEOs, Billion-dollar companies and the 1% of your industry”

  • Dylan Vergara & Cole Angelle aka Founders of Serial Agency: “Collecting $2.5mm in 60 days after launching 3 new teams from 0”

  • Casey Woodard - D1 Yapper. Co-founder of the top-rated e-commerce discord on the internet: “The framework I followed building a 250k/month community, with less than 25k followers - and how you can do it with less!”

  • Caden & Trey - Founders of “How we 3x’ed a drowning business with a pipeline of so-called "cold and uninterested leads in just 16 days, and how you can too!" Ps yes, we did this without any additional ad spend too.

  • Damola Osibona - High Ticket Closer: “My experience inside the closed & paid ‘Level-Up’ program and the impact it’s made on my income trajectory as a closer”

Meet The Writers:

˗ˏˋ Summary ˎˊ˗

Here's the summary of what you'll get:

One time fee for a lifetime of opportunity.You'll be able to implement the exact sales process that has collected us over $7 million in the last two years+ access our recruitment platforms to get set up directly with job interviews within 45 days

Video Lesson Library

97+ Video Lessons

The 'Closed & Paid Master Sheet"

50+ Video lessons diving into the nuance of the sales process used to scale multiple offers past 7 figures

Written Course & Audio Book

50 Lessons + Bonus Materials

327 + - Page Written Course Covering the Entire Sales Proccess

  1. The Mindset No One Teaches

  2. Pre Call Flows

  3. Appointment Setting

  4. Intro & Perception

  5. Getting Trust and Respect

  6. Call Structure

  7. Pre- Handle Business Partners & Other Agencies Objections

  8. The "YES or NO"

  9. Nuance Behind The "No"

  10. Challenging the Prospect

  11. Creating REAL Urgency

  12. Goals

  13. Bring up the Problems

  14. Pre Handling Objections

  15. Motivation to Change

  16. Ask them for Direction

  17. Pitching a NEW Offer

  18. From Pitch to Close

  19. Providing Solutions > "Handling Objections"

  20. Down-Selling

  21. No FREE contracts

  22. Follow Up

Bonus Materials:

  • The Closed & Paid '3 pointer method' - making your sales scripts sound like calculated, well thought out questions.

  • The Closed & Paid Bridge Concept - How to use solutions to get decisions on calls instead of "handling objections"

  • Getting Good Offers - How to Land Your Dream Offer

Networking Community

150+ Sales Reps and Offer Owners

  • All abilities and experience levels

  • Setters wanting to be closers

  • Closers wanting to level up

  • Offer owners wanting a 'modernised no nonsense' approach

Live Q&A Coaching Calls

Once a week!

Once a week Richard, Ryan and Bogdan jump on Live QnA calls so that you can have your questions answered in detail

  • 1 hour of FREE sauce

  • We cover topics and chapters from the course

  • We dive into your offers and fix your proccess

  • Recorded and put into the mastersheet

Closed & Paid Recruitment Agency

Directly booked on job interviews for setter + closer positions

Exclusive access to one of the best sales marketplaces in the world, with a stamp of approval so that business owners know you are highly trained.Our internal recruitment agency will book you interviews with your dream offers

  • Direct job interviews

  • $5k - $50k OTE

Call Reviews

100+ Recorded Call Reviews & Video Lessons

  • 30+ student's call reviews

  • 20+ Reviews of Rich breaking down calls as the Director of Sales for an 8 Figure Agency

Case Studies

Collecting over $7MM Using our Framework

See how the Closed & Paid methods work in the real world. We have applied our systems to many offers across the board

  • Here's how I went from an appointment setter to the #1 closer on my offer in <6 months following the Closed & Paid methods - Collecting +$1MM in cash + closing a $240k deal PAID IN FULL, without sounding salesy, handling BS objections or resorting to tedious drawn out follow ups


  • Here's how I took a brand new offer from ZERO to $250,000 cash collected in 2 and a half months using the closed & paid model

Closed & Paid REcrutiment Agency

  • Get set up directly on interviews with businesses

  • SDR and Closer roles

  • $5,000 to $50,000 OTE

Sales Process Course
Direct Job Interviews and Placement Within 45 Days


- One-time payment
- 6 Month access

Sales Process Course
Help to find your own offers


- One-time payment
- 6 Month access

- You will NOT have access to direct job interviews. But we will help show you were to find roles for free

(NOTE: There are no refunds and all sales are final)

˗ˏˋ Pricing ˎˊ˗

Acquisition Course

Lifetime Fee


One-time payment
Lifetime access
DFY Set up
Course Materials
Live QnA 1 x week



Course Materials
Live QnA 1 x week

(NOTE: There are no refunds and all sales are final)

˗ˏˋ Pricing ˎˊ˗

Acquisition Course

Lifetime Fee


One-time payment
Lifetime access
DFY Set up
Course Materials
Live QnA 1 x week



For 12 months
Course Materials
Live QnA 1 x week

(NOTE: There are no refunds and all sales are final)

˗ˏˋ Summary ˎˊ˗

Here's the summary of what you'll get:

Closed & Mail

The hardcopy newsletter that propells your profession to new heights

Yearly Fee


One-time payment
Save $49
12 copies sent directly to your door
2 copies FREE



$24.99 for 12 months
Cancel when you want

(NOTE: There are no refunds and all sales are final)

˗ˏˋ Summary ˎˊ˗

Here's the summary of what you'll get:

Video Lesson Library

50+ Video Lessons

The 'Closed & Paid Master Sheet"

50+ Video lessons diving into the nuance of the sales process used to scale multiple offers past 7 figures

Written Course & Audio Book

22 Lessons + Bonus Materials

180 + - Page Written Course Covering the Entire Sales Proccess

  1. The Mindset No One Teaches

  2. Pre Call Flows

  3. Appointment Setting

  4. Intro & Perception

  5. Getting Trust and Respect

  6. Call Structure

  7. Pre- Handle Business Partners & Other Agencies Objections

  8. The "YES or NO"

  9. Nuance Behind The "No"

  10. Challenging the Prospect

  11. Creating REAL Urgency

  12. Goals

  13. Bring up the Problems

  14. Pre Handling Objections

  15. Motivation to Change

  16. Ask them for Direction

  17. Pitching a NEW Offer

  18. From Pitch to Close

  19. Providing Solutions > "Handling Objections"

  20. Down-Selling

  21. No FREE contracts

  22. Follow Up

Bonus Materials:

  • The Closed & Paid '3 pointer method' - making your sales scripts sound like calculated, well thought out questions.

  • The Closed & Paid Bridge Concept - How to use solutions to get decisions on calls instead of "handling objections"

  • Getting Good Offers - How to Land Your Dream Offer

Networking Community

100+ Sales Reps and Offer Owners

  • All abilities and experience levels

  • Setters wanting to be closers

  • Closers wanting to level up

  • Offer owners wanting a 'modernised no nonsense' approach

Live Q&A Coaching Calls

Once a week!

Once a week Richard, Ryan and Bogdan jump on Live QnA calls so that you can have your questions answered in detail

  • 1 hour of FREE sauce

  • We cover topics and chapters from the course

  • We dive into your offers and fix your proccess

  • Recorded and put into the mastersheet

Call Reviews

100+ Recorded Call Reviews & Video Lessons

  • 30+ student's call reviews

  • 20+ Reviews of Rich breaking down calls as the Director of Sales for an 8 Figure Agency

Case Studies

Collecting over $7MM Using our Framework

See how the Closed & Paid methods work in the real world. We have applied our systems to many offers across the board

  • Here's how I went from an appointment setter to the #1 closer on my offer in <6 months following the Closed & Paid methods - Collecting +$1MM in cash + closing a $240k deal PAID IN FULL, without sounding salesy, handling BS objections or resorting to tedious drawn out follow ups


  • Here's how I took a brand new offer from ZERO to $250,000 cash collected in 2 and a half months using the closed & paid model

Sales Course for Business Owners


  • 1 hour consult call to restructure your sales process

  • FREE copy of 'The Operations Handbook' to steal the brain behind our sales process (value $499)

(NOTE: There are no refunds and all sales are final)

˗ˏˋ Summary ˎˊ˗

Here's the summary of what you'll get:

In reality, what you'll get is worth 10 x more than retail "price"
You'll have a team and community that's behind you, FREE PREMIUM ACCESS to Deal Fuel (a network that enables you to hit those $10-$20k months) and the highest level B2B training in the game